Fenn College Oral Histories:
Founders & Distinguished Faculty

CSU’s Archivists interview eight faculty and administrators of early Fenn College. The conversations preserved here reflect nearly a century of institutional knowledge: Millard Jordan was in the Fenn College Department of Sociology from 1925-1965 before serving as Cleveland State University Archivist from 1965-1977. His successor, William Becker, served the the University Archives for 47 years, retiring in 2021. Engrossing and compelling recollections, and an inestimable addition to the history of Fenn College and Cleveland State University.

Murray Marshall Davidson (October 16, 1922 – July 16, 2012) was well known in Cleveland's charitable, business, and governmental communities as Director of Development for University Circle, Inc. (1966-1987), and as Director of Development and Planning for Fenn College (1955-1965).
He was instrumental in the conversion of Fenn College into Cleveland State University, working closely with Ohio Governor James Rhodes in establishing a state supported institution of higher learning in Cleveland. At UCI Mr. Davidson was instrumental in organizing and building the land bank of properties in and around the circle making possible the member institutions' physical expansion and residential housing development. After retiring from UCI, Mr. Davidson worked as a consultant to University Hospitals Health System on its building program that included Lerner Tower and several parking facilities.
Recorded on May 3, 2012 by Cleveland State University Archivist, William Becker and William Barrow, Special Collections Librarian, Michael Schwartz Library, CSU.

Dr. G. Brooks Earnest – President of Fenn College, 1952-1965: recorded with Professor Millard Jordan on November 23, 1976.

Clayton G. Hale – BBA., Fenn College, 1932. Board of Trustees, 1933-1961, 1962-1965: recorded with Professor Millard Jordan on October 5, 1976.

Robert B. Auld – Fenn College Cooperative Education Department, 1946-1970, Director, 1960-1965; recorded with Professor Millard Jordan on September 9, 1976.

Dr. Major B. Jenks – Fenn College Department of History, 1935-1965, Dean of Arts & Sciences, 1945-1965: recorded with Professor Millard Jordan on August 5, 1976.

Nicholas R. Rimboi - Director of the Fenn College Technical Institute, 1937-1965.

George W. Srail – Fenn College Department of Speech and Dramatics, 1946-1965: recorded with Professor Millard Jordan on June 3, 1976.
This interview is with George Srail and Nicholas Rimboi.

Dr. William A. Patterson - Professor of Mathematics, Registrar, Dean of the School of Engineering, and Provost of Fenn College and Cleveland State University.
Excerpts from an interview recorded in 2005 at Dr. Patterson's apartment in Willoughby, Ohio. The interviewer is Ralph Kidder, Vice-President of Finance at Newbury College in Brookline, MA. Mr. Kidder is interviewing Dr. Patterson as part of his research for his doctoral dissertation. The third speaker is William Becker, CSU Archivist.