Messing About in Boats: The Amazing Adventure of Bob Manry
Tinkerbelle Sails the Atlantic Part III
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- Filmed & Narrated by: Robert Manry
- Animated Sequence by: M. Patrick Hintz
- Date: 1965
- Segment Length: 03:52 min.
Segment Description: Lowering Tinkerbelle into the water at Falmouth, Massachusetts, Falmouth Harbor, Manry raising Tinkerbelle's mast, Manry paddling Tinkerbelle over to a nearby dock, sunset on last night in Falmouth, Massachuetts, leaving Falmouth Harbor.
Of special note: The man at the controls lowering the boat is Steven McKee, who at the time was in the Air Force and worked part time for Falmouth Harbor Boat Sales. According to Mr. McKee, "The week that followed the launch was interesting as I sold Mr Manry many items that did not normally sell to boaters who were just running around the local area. In reading the account of the trip in Harpers some of the things that he talked about seeing could be explained by sights that he was exposed to during his week at our dock."