Cleveland Public Schools Horticulture Program

WBOE Radio Lesson: Planting Dutch Bulbs Indoors

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Program Length: 18:46 min.

Description: In late October/early November, Dr. Edward Johnson, former horticulture teacher from Miles Standish School, Cleveland Public Schools Horticulture Program, joins Mr. John Vandenberg, an executive of the Vandenberg Bulb Company conduct this radio lesson to teach students about "the basic fundamentals of the uses of bulbs." The interactive lesson covers Dutch bulbs planted in the fall, such as tulips, daffodils, crocus, and, hyacinth for spring bloom. The narrator, Mr. Vandenberg shares information about his native Holland with the students.

This recording is from the "Green Thumb Club" series of radio horticulture lessons, broadcasted by W.B.O.E., 90.3FM for students in the Cleveland Public Schools Horticulture Program in the 1960's through the 1970's. The recordings were donated to Cleveland State University Library by Dr. Peter J. Wotowiec.

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